In the Fall, Team Leaders host House Meetings to discuss community problems and engage participants as Network Members. From November through March, Issue Committees are formed to conduct research into the problems, and ultimately come up with specific, winnable solutions. The Nehemiah Action is held in the Spring, where thousands gather to ask public officials to implement these solutions. After the Nehemiah Action, leaders follow up on the commitments made at the Action, and Network Members are invited to invest in RISC.
Micah 6:8 provides a clear list of requirements for God’s people: to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God.
We believe that doing justice is a core part of our faith traditions, and yet one that is often overlooked. Our vision is to build up the Justice Ministries (Rodef Tzedek) within each of our congregations such that justice is an integral part of their culture.
Our best measure of that, is what percentage of the congregation's average worship attendance (those that gather for faithfulness) turn out to the annual Nehemiah Action (gather for justice). Each congregation's goal is to ultimately turn out 100% of average worship attendance, to the Nehemiah Action.
The Nehemiah Action is our greatest display of our organized people power. We present our research, we have members directed affected by serious community problems share testimonies, and we ask our public officials for serious commitments to address the problems.
In 2023, we brought out 1,200 people to our Nehemiah Action. Present were Councilmembers Robertson, Addison, Lambert, and Lynch; a representative from the state Attorney General's Office, as well as representatives of the Hopewell Police Department.
To view a recording of our March 2023 Nehemiah Action, click here.
Justice Ministry (Rodef Tzedek) Network Members Commit to the Following:
- Attend the 4 RISC Assemblies of the year –
The Community Problems Assembly on October 29, 2024
The Rally on March 3, 2025
The Nehemiah Action on March 25, 2025
The Justice Ministry Celebration on June 2, 2025
- Bring at least 3 people to the NEHEMIAH ACTION
- Consider a serious financial investment in our justice ministry